Wednesday 29 January 2014

Loving Lately: messy beds + music + aussie TV

Another installment of loving lately...just in case your Fridayday morning is dragging on slower than you'd like!

 1. Sleeping in. The kids have started back at school, which means early starts. My lovely husband has let me sleep in for an extra ten minutes these past few days. Normally I'm up with him at about 7.30ish, packing the kids lunch, helping him make breakfast and dressing the kids. I love my extra ten minutes :)

 2. Ipod/Iphone bluetooth speaker. Apparently I am hard to buy for. I received this as a Christmas gift from Santa and I love it. It links up with my Iphone and Ipod via bluetooth and is actually very loud. Thank you fat man.

3. Home and Away. By now I would expect that you have come to realise that I make no apologies for the things I like, including Twilight, trashy magazines, and every single Kardashian.

I would have to be one of h+a's most loyal fans. I have been watching this show FOREVER. More to the point, I heart Brax. Those of you with taste will know exactly who I am talking about.
Appreciation and dedication.

And in place of a tune I'm loving lately, can we just all take a moment to honour this fabulous rendition by the cast of Glee ..

Andy ~ the prettiest second shooter around

Meet Andy. The prettiest second shooter around.

I love that she is super organised, and really relaxed.

I can give her a task, and she does it. She stays so well hidden in amongst the guests, sometimes I can't even find her.

I love that she dresses her fur babies up for Christmas, and loves the smell of a real Christmas tree also.

I love that she loves hot chocolate like I do.

Sunday 26 January 2014

comparison is the thief of joy

Read it. Just take it in a bit.

Now, let's talk about it.

You're probably now thinking about how many times you have compared yourself to someone in someway. Yes, we are probably all guilty of it. I know I am.

We see it everywhere. It's very hard not to. On instagram we see images of perfectly organised lounge rooms, complete with colour coded cushions and a lovely pile of magazines arranged perfectly on the coffee table. Then we look around .... and see the kids school uniforms on the ground, and last nights coffee mug.

On Facebook we see status updates about how someone just had a baby, or bought their first house.

If you're a blogger like me, chances are you get caught up reading otherd blogs. You see how cool they are, all the cool stuff they are doing, all the lovely fancy weddings their are shooting and even pictures of the cake they just baked ..

"They are so lucky, the got it goin on!." 

If you can honestly say that you have never said that about someone you're following, then I'm jealous of your news feed. Bible.

I can't even remember where I heard this quote, but it has stuck with me. I just remember having an 'ah huh!' moment and thinking, of course, that makes perfect sense!

When I sat and thought about it, it became so obvious that all of these constant daily reminders formed an obsession. It lead to an obsession with the appearance of perfection. NOT perfection…but the appearance of perfection. 

Let's be honest: We have all kicked the kids uniforms out of the way and slid last nights coffee mug over to the side out of view of the instagram photo to make it look like we've got it all together and we too have a beautiful, cololur coded cushion lounge room.
The problem now, was that I was more concerned about making it all look perfect for my news feed, but not actually doing it for myself.

Something. Had. To. Give.

I started cleaning and organising my workspace as if I were about to take a really cute, styled instagram photo of my computer screen a caption that says something like, "In the office! #ilovemyjob." 

All of a sudden, my instagram feed became real.. It portrayed my real life. And in the end, I started feeling less motivated to compare myself to others. 
This is why comparison is the thief of joy.

Spend less time fretting over how many people follow you on instagram. And worry less about how many likes or comments your pictures receive. Because when you do, happiness will be there waiting for you. 
If you really desire an immaculate lounge room, go at it for 5 minutes and fan out your magazines for no reason! Don't do it so that you can post a photo of it. Do it for YOU ..

Just because comparison is all around us, doesn't mean you need to give in to it. If there are people/pages on Facebook or instagram (or even blogs you're reading) that really make you feel JEALOUS because of their seeming perfection .. un follow them. Unlike that page!

Keep it real.


Thursday 23 January 2014

Rebekah + Zak // Stradbroke Island Wedding

Rebekah and Zak's wedding was a completely personal and intimate affair. Only their closest friends and family members joined them.

The clouds cleared just before these two lovebirds said "I do." We then braved the intense heat for some quick wedding portraits before the rain came back.

Congratulations, you two!! Here are a couple of my favourites from your first day as husband and wife...

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Loving lately: Pinterest edition

Before you start reading, come visit me  on pinterest and follow me and I will follow you! Let us share pin boards! Do it. Like, right now. Go!

This is something that I am loving lately. I love plonking myself in front of my laptop, and spending endless amounts of time looking at all things pretty that I find inspiring. If I need to piece something together, this is the place I go.

You can always find what you need. These are just some of the things that inspire me. If you haven't followed me already I would love to see what inspires you!